Wednesday, October 31, 2012

April 6th 1847

At this time April 6th 1847 there commences a new era in my history. As above stated, I was employed in Main St. District.

On Tuesday I opened my school in said place with the clouds pouring down rain in torrents and a severe headache. I began with fearful foreboding of the future. Young and in my own town I could succeed. But I ? thought of this and fail, and with my motto: Whatever thy hands find to do do it with thy might" and my watchword: Excel, I pushed on.

I found the school in a very disorderly backward state. I first tried to make them love the schoolroom and spent the first six weeks in establishing my system. No inducements would make me quit the schoolroom. Thus the summer passed on amidst arduous tasks and feeble health.

My pen must here record the death of a lovely sister, dear to me as the apple of my eye. But she has gone to her rest. I must journey on. The summer of 1847 will long be remembered as one frought with scenes of lively interest. At this time I caught the first glimpse of future ?. People began to visit my school and before I was aware convers about my new system. This slated my boyish pride and made me more arduous. My heavy duties led me to neglect my diary and I have only recorded the general facts. But now I commence annus.

My labors have increased my wages $10 per month and I now have $25, another token of this approbation.

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